"Help Our Wolves Live" is what H.O.W.L. stands for. Equillibrium's activism to stand for Wolves runs deep, since the before our brand was born.
We are doing work beyond the runway and uniting our alliances for a Group Art Show - Titled "H.O.W.L." at Talk Gallery, opening night Earth Day Friday 4/22/22

Coloradoans voted for State Wolf Reintroduction, and allow them the right to live and migrate in their natural, historic territorial range of the Northern Rockies here in CO.
Unfortunately, before any reintroductions have occured (set to begin in 2022/23) conflicts on the issue and with Ranchers in the area from migrating packs have already occurred.
Working with Ranchers on education and regenerative ranching practices to coexist with Wolves are not only what is best for Wolves, but it is what's best for Human Health and our Environment. This is the key component for successful, biodynamic, and genetically healthy Wolf existance in all regions of their territory. There are many thriving in MT leading by example how to practice Regenerative Ranching and mitigate Wolf issues.

Though we have recently won a battle gaining Federal protections from the Relisitng of the Wolf in the Endangered Species Act (ESA), since being delisted by Secretary of the Department of the Interior- Ken Salazar of CO during the Obama Administration, the Grey Wolf is not protected in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Many are shot on scene once they step outside protected National Park boundaries like Yellowstone. So, the war rages on... hopefully in time science, education, the love of wolf, and wolves will prevail!
H.O.W.L. is an event to educate, stimulate and perpetuate the love of Wolf raising the hopes to CoExist and see them in the wild. Please join us, buy art, and stand for Wolves to help end the slaughter.