It is a concerning time for humanity as we approach Earth Day 2019. The current Administration is stripping protections to our wild places and wildlife for special interest and profit as man-induced climate change generates extreme weather events further threatening sustainability for many species.
As we wrestle feelings of helplessness and frustration we must stay strong in our opposition of accepting this as a new norm. We know better and must always strive to do better. It does not matter everyone is not on board with conscious consumption, it matters that you are and practice it. Set good intention and see it through at all times no matter what. Over time this example has large butterfly effects with positive impacts to offset momentum in the wrong direction creating hope to get in the right direction. Never discount that, never surrender.
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So many say the actions of one mean nothing, it takes everyone to make it happen... almost as an excuse to remain complacent. Remember complaceny kills. The grey area is just as important as the black in white. In many cases it is more improtant, due to its accessability to implement with baby steps while working toward making big strides. Everyone must start somewhere, and continue growth toward the end goal.
This April, Equillibrium cheers you on at whatever place you are in being a part of the solution toward a sustainable future for life on Earth. Though it is infuriating what policies are being implemented from the White House threatening our Public Lands, Wildlife Reguges (especially in the Arctic), the Endangered Species Act, the Environmental Protection Agency, etc. ; we must not accept any sense of defeat, but be ready to defend, protect, and continue the LOVE for human health, wildlife, and our wild places. There are no acts too small. They all add up and we must grow in numbers with this common goal. Engage, educate, and activate. Take the time to learn what is happening, how you can offset it and activate resistance. Equillibrium Frack OFF : Live it, LOVE it, Feel it, WEAR it![/caption]
Overwhelmed? Then, start with one cause like defending our predators: Wolves, Bears, Sharks, etc. / protecting human health: clean air, clean water, clean land, etc. / conscious consumption: sustainable fashion, reducing single use plastics, compost, etc. See where these topics lead you. Your behavior will change, you will feel empowered not helpless, and it will become obvious how interconnected everything is. Small changes you make in your behavior have large impacts over time, as well as spread to better behavior by others by example. Take steps, be consistent. It is never too late, the time is now! Love your Mother and each other... be the change. Namaste. Oi!